my 2016 acne prone skin care routine

It's only been about 7 years (HA!) but I've finally managed to find a concoction of products that work well with my skin. From previous experiences, I've realized I have pretty sensitive skin. Anytime I'd try a new facial product it'd end up in a pretty bad, confidence-crushing state. I'd break out like crazy basically. 


This group of products I've gathered together consists of 3 things: Belif Aqua Bomb, Pur~Lisse Blue Lotus Eye Serum and Up & Up (Target brand) Exfoliating Cleansing Wipes. I've been using the aqua bomb and eye serum since the end of January, only recently adding in the exfoliating wipes last month. 

 RETAIL PRICE: $38 for 50ml / $22 for 25 ml

It is a big price tag, so skip it if it's too much and stick with just the other two products! 



Before I get into this part I just want to make it clear that I'm not a dermatologist, some of you may cringe at what I do or whatever, but this is what I've been doing and has been working for me. It's pretty simple! 

Starting at night whether I've worn make up that day or not, I'll use one of the wipes to clean up my entire face and once I've finished I'll let give it a minute to dry. 

I use to use Dark Angels to clean my face, but I honestly just got too lazy (And it expired recently. Why do they expire so quick?! I still have practically a full jar!) when it came to washing off my makeup. Wipes are always a win. You're already in bed and don't want to get up and go to the bathroom to wash your face? No worries, got my makeup wipes right next to my bed. 

After my face has dried, I apply the Belif Aqua Bomb to my face abiding only my under eyes. The reason I avoid my under eyes is simply because I'm going to add the eye serum next. You could probably add the Belif product to your entire face and just put the serum on afterward with no issue, but it's just a habit I've grown. That's pretty much all I do. All of my skin care happens at night and sometimes the next day before I apply makeup, I'll put some of the Aqua Bomb on but that's really only if I remember to. 

Ever since I've started using these products, especially after adding in the exfoliating wipes I've noticed my skin in the best shape it's ever been in.  My skin is problematic so breakouts are going to happen, but they are usually only hormonal. This month I only got two, a teeny one on my cheekbone and one in the middle of my eyebrows (ugh it's one of those annoying shiny ones) but I'll take that over the multiple I would've had months ago any day! 

Have you guys tried any of these products? 




  1. This routine really worked wonders for me! I had really bad acne problems back in high school and for years, it never went away. More recently it has not been so bad but visible. I have only been using this three step treatment for a few weeks but now my skin is almost completely clear. Thank you!


    1. William, this just made me smile so big!!

      You are very welcome. I'm so happy it's working for you! Hopefully as time goes on the improvement will keep progressing for you.

      Thank you for letting me know it's helped :)

      Kristina xo
