Earlier today my cousin and I decided we'd brave the heat and downtown crowds and take a visit to The Broad with our niece and nephew - why we thought that'd be a good idea? I'm still trying to figure that one out honestly. For those of you who aren't familiar with The Broad, it's a fairly new art museum that opened up in downtown LA. I'm not going to go into too much detail about it, but if you're in the LA area looking for something to do, I'd definitely recommend setting out some time one day to visit. You can check out everything you need to know here: - and just a note: the museum is free admission (they get you with the parking costs though, so make sure to plan your transportation accordingly) and there is the option of getting reserved tickets, but to keep it real, the chances of you getting those are pretty slim as it's still really new. Just bring your water and be prepared to be standing in line for an hour... or a few!

Aside from a few melt downs, thrown pacifiers and snacks thrown everywhere, I had a really great time today. It was the first time in a long time that I've gone somewhere like this and actually got to enjoy myself with no anxiety whatsoever. If you have anxiety or agoraphobia you know how difficult it is to put yourself in a situation with tons of unfamiliar people and I was actually surprise that the whole time I was there not only did I not experience any type of anxiety, but I wasn't waiting for it either. Usually on the days I'm lucky enough to have little to no anxiety, I'm unable to bask in it fully because I'm constantly waiting for a trigger. So today was nice, I really liked it.  I'm looking forward to hopefully going again soon with some friends (no kiddies this time!).

If you guys like these sort of picture diary posts, please let me know! I've found that I really love them and if you guys enjoy them as much as me, maybe I'll get that little push I need to start exploring this city I'm living in and document it for all of us!

Have any of you visited The Broad before? 




  1. I really want to visit that museum, specially to see Andy Warhol's work! *_____* Thanks for sharing!

  2. WOW !! This is art :-)
    Soooo cool <3

    Swantje from
