my beauty con los angeles experience

This past weekend I attended Beauty Con Los Angeles for the second year in a row, this time thanks to the wonderful people over at Sephora! 

It's still so bizarre to me that last year I was able to attend because of Pacifica and now this year Sephora?! When you're a 'micro' blogger or influencer like myself, opportunities like that seem so far out of reach for us. I am truly grateful beyond words. 

As excited as I was to both be invited and actually attend Beauty Con, I was pretty scared. Anxiety, being alone and huge crowds just don't mesh very well together. I talked myself out of going about 3 times on the day of. I did manage to make it out - with the help of my lovely friends and boyfriend's motivational words!

When I first got there I was freaking out, as would anyone. As I was taking in all the booths and standing in line for brands, I'd engage in conversation here and there with other beauty lovers and I felt myself slowly start to relax enough to enjoy myself. I had such a fun time, the absolute booth was probably my favorite there this year. They had a photo booth and even a guy making cotton candy for everyone! 

There were lovely art pieces all around the convention center 

Super talented men and women up on stage giving advice and sharing their love of beauty with everyone else 

After wandering around for about an hour, I had managed to go to a few booths 

About 2 - 2 1/2 in is when the anxiety started to flare up again. I'm not sure what triggered it, but my fight or flight response kicked in and I started to feel suffocated. I decided leaving the event at that time was what was best for me and I was so disappointed in myself. That disappointment I was feeling completely overtook the joy I had felt earlier that day.

After thinking about for a night, I realized how much I had actually accomplished in attending Beauty Con. Years ago - hell even a few months ago, I would have never been able to go anywhere alone let alone a huge event like this one! And not only did I go, but I stayed for a while, I mingled with everyone and I gave myself a moment to enjoy life in the moment. I now get to cross a couple things off of my 2017 goals list. 

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