milk + blush

As a curly girl, I’m positive about 99% of us go through the “ugh, I can’t straighten my hair, my curls would get ruined! ....but I mean, if it’s just once, that wouldn’t hurt.... right?” phase. A lot of the time, that “one time” turns into multiple, but that’s another conversation for a different time! 

The times I do straighten my hair, it becomes an entire occasion. If I’m gonna put the curls through all that heat, we gotta go all out - no if ands or buts about it. 

Hair extensions have been one of my favorite accessories since middle school. There’s just something about them that completely changes you whole vibe, a confident, hair-flipping alter ego  comes alive. 

Clip- ins are my go to. There’s no tape, glue or metal bonds to damage you locks - and you can take them out at the end of the day! For years, Milk + Blush have been my holy grail company when it comes to hair. From the attention to detail on the packages to the locks themselves, you can tell so much work has been put into the company. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, their marketing and design team is so on point. Naturally, when I heard they had come out with a new line of Seamless Hair Extensions, I had to try them out - and of course, why not share my 
findings with you? 

I have the 20-22” Full Head Hair Extensions - Classic Set in the shade Good Vibes. I’ve had this set previously (pre-seamless revamp) so I’m interested to compare and contrast each version. 

Each order comes in a cute, magnetically closed box to store the hair, sample piece to make sure the color is correct before opening the actual set, extra clips and all the info/care tips you'll need! 




The "Seamless" name was rightfully earned. If you're an extension wearer, you'll 100% feel the difference between this set in comparison to a regular one. The truly do fit flat to you head and feel as if nothing as there (well, as close to nothing as something clipped onto your hair can!). If this is your first set of extensions, I do believe you'd still be very aware of them and it may feel strange, but that feeling would be nothing compared to a "regular" lip on weft. 

There were two things I noticed that stuck out to me - the first being the thickness. The hair is definitely evenly distributed from root to tip, with that being said, I do feel entitled to mention that though they don't taper, they do seem a bit thinner than their regular set. There has been no information stating the loss of hair weight due to their new seamless technique, so it could just be me, i'm not entirely sure. I do believe to get a full look I'd need two sets, whereas before I could get away with one. Keep in my my hair is cut more bluntly this time around so that may or may not be a reason I'd need more this time around. 

The second thing was the shine of the wefts themselves. If your hair were to blow, I do feel it'd be a lot more noticeable than your standard clip in seeing as theres no hair covering it. If you've seen or worn tape ins, that is exactly what it looks like. This may not be an issue for some, but I felt mentioning it was important. 

Overall, I do love this new style! Less lumps and bumps when running your hair over your hair, noticeably flatter and doing styles like high ponys I feel will be so much easier due to the thinner wefts! When choosing between your standard set of clip ins vs the seamless, I'd go for the seamless - just make sure to buy accordinly to your hair thickness! 

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