why I don't have any new years resolutions

Two thousand and nineteen, a new year draped upon us just like that. If this past year had to be summed up in just a few words, trials and tribulations would be it. 2018 was a strange one for me; sluggishly dragging on one minute, and me wishing I had a way to slow down time the next. It’s mind-boggling coming to terms with how much life has truly changed in just 365 days.

If we’re being honest, I couldn’t tell you what my resolutions were for last year, and I don’t know that I even have any now coming into 2019. The thing with setting goals and putting yourself in this mindset that this is your “fresh start” and this is the time to do everything you’ve always wanted to is boring to me. That could just be my depressed, pessimistic side shining through, but who cares about new years resolutions? You set these goals for yourself and the second you have a small slip up, you’re beating yourself up over it.

Let’s be real for a second, that diet you want to start? You can start it when you have your next meal. Just because you “ate bad” doesn’t mean you need to wait until tomorrow or the start of next week for a fresh start. You want to take up a new hobby? Do it! Don’t wait until this specific day comes around to do something that’ll bring you joy. Don’t get it twisted, I totally get the whole reset feeling when it comes to a new year. You feel like everything that happened in the past is done with and it's now cheers to a new you. But, I feel it's so important to understand that any time can be your fresh start. Take what I’m saying as a grain of salt – everyone has different views, opinions and methods to their madness. I’m not judging, nor am I saying one way is the right way – there is no right way. Hey, as long as you're doing something that aids into a better you, that’s all that really matters, right?

Though I have no new years resolutions, there are some things I’d like to work on from now until unknown. The main one being: happiness. Being happy is something I’ve struggled with for years due to my mental health issues. I’ve noticed a pattern of constantly focusing on what I can’t do, where my friends/family are in their lives vs. where I’m at in mine and just overall having a horrible outlook on life. I want to get myself to a point where regardless of my current struggles, I focus solely on the positive.

Once my mind finally allows me to give into my happiness and positivity, everything else I want and need in my life will follow easily; getting myself physically healthy and having motivation for the things I love fill my entire being. Let’s get it you, guys. Find that something you’re passionate about or something you’ve always thought of doing, but felt you couldn’t and go into it head first. You don’t have to start January 1st if that’s too soon for you, you can start a week in, two months from now or whenever - there doesn’t need to be this set time frame in order for you to succeed.

For myself personally, I decided to start myself healing journey right now as I type this; Sunday, December 30, 2018 at 9:46pm. I can’t front, initially I had wanted to get this post out in celebration of a new year, but I haven’t been myself this past month. I finally forced myself to sit down tonight and get this done due to my strict timeline I set for myself and that’s when my current revelations set in. Doing things with time in mind sucks every bit of enjoyment out of it, and I want no parts of it.

Here’s to health, happiness and full control over everything you wish to achieve. I’m thrilled to be back blogging and I know it’s going to help my journey tremendously. I hope you all ring in 2019 happily (and safely!!! DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE). Talk soon.

all the love,

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