
re·birth (/rēˈbərTH/) noun: the process of being reincarnated or born again. // the action of reappearing or starting to flourish or increase after a decline; revival.

It’s your favorite, most consistent blogger you follow and she’s back with more loose promises!!!!! Why is it that all I can hear is a roar of boo’s and feel the heat of all the side eyes I’m receiving from the other side of the screen? Yikes.

In all seriousness though, I’m so glad to be back. When I tell you I’ve been in this very position at least 50 other times this past year, it’s no exaggeration. Sat on my bed giddy with excitement, laptop perched atop a throw pillow, starting to type out my current thoughts - only to lose interest in mere minutes. I couldn’t find the reasoning behind it, blogging was something that helped me in the past, it was genuinely one of the main sources of my happiness. As time passed, that happiness had slowly been replaced with distaste, without me even realizing it.

After sitting down and finally allowing myself to feel and listen to these thoughts I had whirling around my head, I came to the conclusion that blogging had started to feel like a job to me. I felt I had to do it, it was something expected of me. Whereas before, it was simply a hobby, an activity I did that sparked joy inside of me. As more time went on, I found myself dreading my blog being brought up in my real life; “How’s your blog stuff going?” “When’s the next time you’re going to put a post up?” “Working with any new brands?” “How many followers do you have now?” “You should try blogging again, keep yourself busy!”. It was absolute torture having to act as though I wasn't struggling with it because I had been deemed Kristina the blogger that created content online and went to all these super cool events and got to collab with brands, rather than just Kristina. Now don’t get me wrong, the perks that come with being a content creator? Amazing!!! There is no denying that, but I think it was more of not being able to separate myself from it. I wanted to be more than just a “blogger”.

Fast forward to now, months and months later - a place I’ve found myself so many times before, the only difference being that I actually want to be doing this. I don’t feel pressured to come back because of anyone or anything, my love for creating is sparking back up. I can feel my blood pumping with excitement and my nerves jumping unsure of how much support I’ll receive in comparison to the years before. I’m ready to write about things I want to write about. I’m ready to post things because I want to post them, when I want to post them. I’m just ready and I hope you all are too.

Most of you know me as “The Ugly Girls Club”, a handful of you know me as “Hello, I’m Kristina”, but only a select few remember me as “Not Your Cup Of Tee” - my first ever blog name when I started back in 2012. I thought it was time we take it back to my roots, only this time stronger. I’ve drafted many of my old posts I felt no longer fit me, more may even come off in the future, but for now I’m content with where I’m at.

Hi, my name is Kristina and I’m the writer behind Not Your Cup Of Tee (NYCOT). I live in SoCal, I’m a huge animal lover, taking photos is one of my other many hobbies and I can never pass up a bag of hot fries.

Welcome to my rebirth.

1 comment

  1. So glad to see you back Kristina!
    It's so good that you're excited again for this :)
    Can't wait to read your posts and I wish I had been there from the original NYCOT!

    Lots of love,

    Claire xxx
